To Join

Membership is open to everyone at all skill levels.

  • Membership is open to the community; you do not have to live in Tellico Village.
  • Annual membership fee is $20 per year and $10 after July
  • To join contact Membership Chair:
    Chris Campbell
    phone: 865- 458-8087 or  email:

A blank membership form, with instructions, plus a download link is below.

A liability waiver must also be submitted with the membership form. A download link for that form is below

Member Benefits:

  • Great camaraderie with fellow woodworkers
  • Access to hardwood lumber, cut and kiln dried by the club, at a fraction of lumberyard costs
  • Discounts at local hardware and woodworking stores
  • Use of both large shop tools (band saw, drum sander, etc.) as well as smaller, portable tools
  • Mentoring classes that teach woodworking safety and skills
  • Ability to contribute to the community, with service projects and the annual Toys for Tots program
  • Access to “members only” tool sales
To download the forms, mouse click on each Download button.  This will open the selected form in a new tab in your browser.   Print the form, fill it out and return the completed form with your dues to Chris Campbell. ( Close the new tab to return to the website.)